Monday, May 5, 2008


I am a lifelong Cardinals fan after growing up in Missouri. ........I remember the 1982 World Series. Tommy Herr, Kieth Hernandez, Darrell Porter, Ozzie Smith, Lonnie Smith.....the manager Whitey Herzog. I remember those players and the ball games like they were yesterday. My sister and I wrote to our favorite Cardinal that summer and got back a signed photo. Tommy Herr was my favorite....I thought he looked like the guy from "The Greatest American Hero!" (Remember that show?) After his name he penned the verse "Prov. 3:5-6." Being a good little Baptist girl (so called) I knew that verse by heart. "Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths."

Tonight, I sat and watched two ball games...the Cardinals/Rockies game. (The Cards won 6-5). Albert Pujols had a great game scoring after stealing third and coming home after Rick Ankiel's RBI. The second game was my 9 year olds Little League game. (We lost 11-0). Like most parents, we can only hope our children live their lives to fulfill all of our lost dreams........I'm kidding, of course, but who doesn't want their son to start for the Cards some day, making some serious cash to send home to mom! Hee...hee! Parents have two things working against them here....thier own childs dreams and hopes and the plans that the Lord himself has for them. do we find that? Tommy Herr found it: Trust the Lord...and acknowledge Him in all you do. He will take it from there. No matter how much I would love to see my son out there in a Cardinal uniform, I most want him to be Godly and following the Lord's leading. Can I still hope for him to be a fan anyway?? Ha!!

1 comment:

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Yeah. I totally get this but I have not ever been a baseball fan. I am a huge fan of my hubby and son though, and that includes their baseball obsession. I have to keep reminding them that the little league games are NOT the MLB World Series. Thanks for sharing your blog with me.