Monday, March 31, 2008

Oprah, Jesus and the Only Way.....

Many women are fans of one of the most powerful women in the world: Oprah. I, actually, really enjoy the show and I know many woman who follow the program. Oprah is known for her great generosity and I have no doubt that she has a genuine, generous heart. Recently, a video was sent to me that made me more than pause!! I had often guessed at Oprah's spiritual leanings, because she never makes it quite clear her position. This video will end all of the guessing as to this powerful ladies' postion on God and Jesus. Please follow this link: I look forward to hearing everyone's comments!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sports and Scouts

Today we have had baseball, football, Scouts and a wedding!! I knew these days would come....lots of running around and busyness. I do enjoy being busy...after all, we make our we spend our time, etc. It requires a lot of planning and time management, and also some just letting go. We must manage priorities. It is important that we as a family have fun together, it is also important that we take care of the important details of life. Sometimes the busyness becomes a distractor to the time in the word and in prayer, and time to snuggle with your loved ones on the couch. Right now, it's baseball and a movie on the couch. The dishes can wait......

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Compassion and Idol

I am a big American Idol fan. Last night on the show, they talked about their Idol Gives Back Campaign, where they raise money for the poor in Africa. Did you know that over 3,000 children a day die of malaria?? A DAY! That is only from malaria. How many more from poor drinking water, malnutrition and other disease.

I am a Compassion International sponsor. I have been for 17 years. Right now, we have two children we sponsor in Central America, Kevin and Elsy. They live in two separate countries, but their lives are similar. The $32.00 a month we send provides them food, clothing, an education, health care and a Christian environment to grow and be nurtured in. Not bad for the amount I spend on coffee every month.

Please consider being a Compassion sponsor. Follow the link at the bottom of this page to start your journey of changing the world one child at a time.

Monday, March 17, 2008


"The New Look"
Yeah!! After only 5 years, we are getting new countertops today!! Lest you think of me waxing my new granite by tonight, I should inform you its only new laminate tops. We are putting the house up for sale, and I didn't want to drop the change to install nicer ones. Maybe in the new house!! Originally, we were going to install new counters when we first moved in. The others were already outdated and ugly and the house was only 4 years old then! Why did it take us 5 years?? Have you ever been in the midst of a chaotic environment and found that you were sort of motionless due to just not knowing where to start? Life here at the Rountrees is sometimes crazy, always messy, but never boring! It is often hard to know which way is up! We have become busier as the kids have gotten older with all of the activities. I literally have to carry my calender with me from room to room daily just so I won't forget what is next. Without a list, I am toast! (And, I do not have alzehimers no matter what the kids say!). There are just too many details. Originally, the countertops were a priority, but the soon got pushed down the list by life. Clyde and I talk often about the goals we have for our family and for us individually. Those conversations have steered us toward homeschooling, the Journey and Clyde's owning his own business. Each of those areas require goals, lists and choices. Sometimes, what may seem like a priority at the time, will need to be delayed due to more presssing concerns. Sometimes, the lack of goals will cause us to never get anything done! Just like the counter-tops! It is all a matter of lists and priorities and tackling those goals one at a time.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Star Wars

The kids love the Star Wars movies. They have spent most of the night watching the hardest one to watch... Return of the Sith.... Star Wars 3. It is so difficult to watch young Anakin become evil due to the lies and deception of the Emperor. With his mind full of hate, pain and his thirst for power he destroys other Jedi's, his friends and himself. What Satan would do to destroy us with our fear, anger, self-preservation and lust. It is so important to check our pride at the door. What often seems like "rightness" and "fairness" is actually self-concern. The Jedi's fought the power of the dark side, not with revenge in mind, but with the truth and the power of the force. Something to think about....

Motivation: part 2

Every morning we have staff meeting at our house. Just like a business or corporation, we sit with our organizers and coffee and plan the days activities. Unlike a business, we also read from the Bible before we start. Our son, Weston has always hated reading. He has been complaining for awhile that he wants a new Bible. Well, Monday I stopped by the bookstore and bought three new Bibles for the older kids. Now, he wants to read every morning from his new Bible! Just like yesterdays post, it is amazing the motivation when you get "a fire under you." (As my Dad would say...). What motivates us as people? Our scripture today was from Mark where Jesus silences the demons because he doesn't want anyone to know who he is. Weston thought perhaps the demon possessed people fell to their knees because they wanted to be delivered. I think that the demons knew that they were under Jesus authority and fell prostrate in fear and respect. It is interesting, the demons proclaimed in this verse that "You are the Son of God!", yet, they were destined for hell! The presence of Jesus will drive evil away. As I sruggle daily with the demands of life, how comforting to know that the more we seek the presence of Jesus, the more he will cast away the shadows and help us see clearly. That in turn should keep us motivated!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Motivation:part 1

Today was a great day. We had a beautiful time at the park, and came home to do school. Tonight was our 4-H Awards banquet and I was so proud of Hannah as she earned her her 4-H award for her great participation this year. It's funny, Weston didn't really want to participate this year in 4-H although he is a member. After seeing the awards handed out, he told us on the way home that he really wants to step it up in 4-H this year!! Isn't it something how often we aren't motivated to accomplish something until we see the rewards for it? Like exercise!! I know I need to do it, but sometimes I don't want to. I remember watching the Miss America pageant before, and being very motivated for about a month! Why can't I do that everyday? And I often have we been driven to our knees in times of crisis, and yet forget to pray on a "normal" day?? May we all grow in our spiritual maturity and self-discipline.