Thursday, March 13, 2008

Motivation:part 1

Today was a great day. We had a beautiful time at the park, and came home to do school. Tonight was our 4-H Awards banquet and I was so proud of Hannah as she earned her her 4-H award for her great participation this year. It's funny, Weston didn't really want to participate this year in 4-H although he is a member. After seeing the awards handed out, he told us on the way home that he really wants to step it up in 4-H this year!! Isn't it something how often we aren't motivated to accomplish something until we see the rewards for it? Like exercise!! I know I need to do it, but sometimes I don't want to. I remember watching the Miss America pageant before, and being very motivated for about a month! Why can't I do that everyday? And I often have we been driven to our knees in times of crisis, and yet forget to pray on a "normal" day?? May we all grow in our spiritual maturity and self-discipline.

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