Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pneumonia and The Shack

Right now, Clyde is on the couch reading The Shack. This book has been recommended by several friends. I began reading it, but had to skim through to find the "sad" part (I was warned) to see if I could handle it. Clyde has been on the couch since Sunday, suffering from pneumonia. His temp. has been hovering between 100 and 102 degrees. I am praying for a quick recovery and wisdom in the days ahead to take care of ourselves and take some time off. Pray for him if you would.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Slater's Birthday

Today is my Slater's 9th birthday. He is super excited, getting Legos and Star Wars figures this morning. It is almost like Christmas around here on birthdays, because we wrap the presents and leave them out on the dining room table the night before.....they wake up early to see how many gifts are there. Now that the kids are older, they buy for each other, so it looks like quite a pile!! I can't believe how time flies. He was only 18 months old when we moved to Tennessee. How can it be that he is 9!! Surely I am not getting older too?? Hee...hee!! He has been playing baseball and is enjoying the time in the dugout with the other guys. He is quite a talker. (Just like his Daddy!!). He enjoys his baseball "community." I will say that I enjoy community as well. I've noticed as we are older how our friends are our kids friends parents!! We enjoy community, and it often rallies around a common interest, kids, ministry, or our jobs. Here is to community today!!! And to my special middle child who is always full of drama!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Future Hooters Girl

Yep.....I saw this sign today: FUTURE HOOTERS GIRL. Guess where it was? No, not a bumper sticker. Not on a ball cap...but on the shirt of a three year old girl. Talk about your lofty life goals. Not that I am judging her parents harshly......maybe to them that would be life's crowning acheivement. I felt sorry for them actually. I wondered about them as we both walked about the park with our kids. What have been their lives experiences? What did they view as successful? What made them happy? There are so many people who need Jesus, they just don't know it. They look for pleasure instead of service, they try to get, not give, they don't know the sensation of giving yourself away to the high glory of God. I will pray for them today.....I don't know their names...but I can pray that their daughter with the long blond hair and blue eyes does not end up thinking that the attention she gets at Hooters is worth shooting for.