Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's and the Holy Spirit

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mother's out there!! I am enjoying a quiet day after Hannah slaved away in the kitchen just for me. We enjoyed roast and sour cream mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli with cheddar sauce, and homemade biscuits. All prepared by my 13 year old daughter! What a blessing she is. I still am getting a full "spa experience" provided by Hannah, and have my Lilac candle from the three younger boys and my box of chocolates from Weston to enjoy.

Today has been a great day, but not just because of my Mother's Day experience. We had a fantastic day at the Journey. The Holy Spirit just really moved today. Today was our celebration Sunday and after our baby dedication and communion, we had a Baptism service. There was one girl that was "officially" getting baptized. (She recently found the Lord), but Erik opened it up to others who might want to be saved, or those who had never been baptized. Not only was the young lady baptized, but 4 more!! Included were a young lady who knew the Lord, but who had never been baptized, another guy who had been baptized as a child, but who questioned his understanding, and two people came forward to accept Christ and be baptized. One of them was a self-described atheist as of a few weeks ago. What a day!!

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