Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sin and Sorrow

I know I am in no position to judge....and please believe this is not directed at one church or group of people, and I am just as much a sinner as the next guy, but yesterday as I was vacuuming, a thought occurred to me. "What do we do with those in the church who have a lifestyle of sin?" (Why that came about as I vacuumed I don't know.) I am not talking about non-Christians who are visiting the church and who don't know better. They don't know the Lord or his life of abundance he offers. We should feel for them and pray for them. But, what do we do with those leading and teaching who claim Christ, yet their lives are far from His ways? What about those new to the faith, who honor Christ with their lips and sing praises to his name, but yet have yet to change their life? Do we speak up? Do we ignore it and turn our head? My kids have asked me several times about things they have seen in churches, wondering why so many people live their lives so similar to those in the world. There doesn't to be any sorrow for sin. Just acceptance for the sinner. Shouldn't Christians be sorrowed by their sinful state?? My answer to my kids is always, "Well, they are young in the faith." Or, "They will change has they grow in the Lord." But, they have been around enough to see these same people not only not change, in fact, some have gone on to divorce, or drop out of church, or get involved in with pre-marital relationships, or start abusing drug and alcohol. I think I have counted 11 couples that Clyde and I have known as friends or who we've ministered to since coming to TN that have since divorced. What is up?? In some cases, their were troubles brewing below the surface that someone in the church should have caught. And, sometimes they were not obvious to anyone except the couple. Hmm....when is it our responsibility to speak up?? Or, is it? Sometimes, people are really good at hiding their failings to the church for fear of being "exposed." I know of several men who were closet smokers. They didn't want anyone to know they smoked!! Why not come out and say, "Hey, I am addicted to cigarettes (or pornography....men, or food.....women, or ?) and it drives my wife crazy. Pray for us!!" I think we are all too concerned with apprearances. Appearances are just a facade.......who cares?!! A failed marriage, poor financial decisions, addiction of any kind and loose sexuality, coupled with pregnancy or disease, those things are REAL!! Why not pray when it is just a temptation. Who hasn't sinned anyway? We all know what it's like to fail. Let's be honest with each other. Let's pray for each other. On Sundays were are looking at the spiritual warfare that we are in. Satan wants to ruin our life! Only by the power of the Lord will we succeed. Let's not walk around with our eyes closed, and our mouth and ears covered. Step up and step out. Pray for your church family. Intervene when it is needed. Make a difference.


Anonymous said...

Very good. Few people even wish to talk about sin in the camp. But little eyes are watching. The greatest word to those in sin from leadership is " Go and sin no more ". Hmmm...... I have heard that before

Christine said...

"Go, and sin no more" works as long as there is sorrow for sin. When Jesus spoke those words to the woman caught in adultery, I am sure she was very grateful for being saved from stoning! "Go, and I will turn my back when you sin," does no good for the believer stuck in sin or the church. There is a fine line in being culturally relevant and apathetic. Thanks for your post.